163UK-9920908 WissenschaftlichTechnischeWerkstätten Photometer photoLab® and photoFlex®, stored test programs, Type 14839 , Description B, Boron , For B , Measuring range

Part Nnumber
Photometer photoLab® and photoFlex®, stored test programs, Type 14839 , Description B, Boron , For B , Measuring range
Basic price
214,18 EUR

The product with part number 163UK-9920908 (Photometer photoLab® and photoFlex®, stored test programs, Type 14839 , Description B, Boron , For B , Measuring range) is from company WissenschaftlichTechnischeWerkstätten and distributed with basic unit price 214,18 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Photometer photoLab® and pHotoFlex®, stored test programs A: Stored in photoLab® S6, S12, photoLab® 6000 Serie and photoLab® Spektral B: Stored in photoLab® S12, photoLab® 6000 Serie and photoLab® Spektral C: Stored in pHotoFlex® STD, pHotoFlex® pH and pHotoFlex® Turb D: Stored in photoLab® 6000 series Reagent-free tests: Cu - copper plating bath, 690nm, 820nm - copper plating bath - B CrO3 - chromium plating bath - chromium plating bath - B Ni - nickel plating bath - nickel plating bath - B HZ - Hazen colour - Hazen colour - B IFZ - iodine number, 340nm, 455nm - iodine number - B m-1 (DFZ) - colouring - FB445 - B, C m-1 (DFZ) - colouring - FB525 - A, C m-1 (DFZ) - colouring - FB620 - B, C FAU - turbidity 620 - T620 - B E - extinction - extinction - A, B, C SAK - Spectral absorption coefficient at 254 and 436nm photoLab® 6100 VIS (436nm) and photoLab® 6600 UV-VIS (254/436nm) Further tests on demand, range information is based on max. range and can also be smaller for pHotoFlex®. Type 14839 Description B, Boron For B Measuring range 0,05 - 0,80 mg / l No. of determinations 60 Use the product safely. Please always read the label and product information before using.

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